Sunday 13 May 2018

positive thinking

Thinking to develop positive thinking
If you tend to see the glass as half empty rather than half-full,you may need to improve your thinking patterns.Research shows that people with positive thoughts have stronger resistance to illness,better coping skills during tough times,reduced risk of coronary artery disease, and less stress
1.Positive thinking isn't always a natural ability,but you can build it over time.
Learn how to develop the strength of thinking positively and open up a whole new outlook on life
1. write down what you are greatful for.
When anyone Gratitude boosts positive emotion and leads to better health,happiness,and relationships.To build a grateful spirit,regularly take time to write down at least three gold things each day.
Pratice this excise each night as you look back over your day. Note,on a piece of paper,three things that went well or that you are grateful for about the day.
Consider why you are grateful for these things.write that down,too.
At the end of each week,look back on what you wrote down.Notice how you feel when reading over these things.
Keep this pratice up week after week to foster gratitude

Saturday 28 April 2018


                       What is love?

I think " Love is  feel . We don't touch.Not everybody are have that types of feeling.Beacuse not everyone find truth love.Love is blind .love never find look good, beautiful. Charming, rich but the find truth that is a love.No matter how many time says no but the understand one time. 
                 Presents love

But present time no body understand love .The always force to Boy/Girl to love him.Otherwise they will kill you ,asset attack ,rape,kidnapped, forace ext. One problem is this love going teenage.They going to wrong ways doing sex.
LOVE going to sex present time.They love him phisycal not inner.